Hello My Name Is...
Beth Hale

When the smoke
cleared from the system merger and the subsequent formation of Millington
Municipal Schools, Ms. Beth Hale emerged as the only returning administrator at
Millington Central High School. She returns for her twenty-fourth year at
Millington and her twenty-fifth year in the profession. This year, Hale
oversees discipline for the young ladies, the athletic program, and the
department of exceptional children. “Being an administrator means so much more
than discipline or having everything in order. It means I can help the kids and
community,” says Hale.
A respectable
educational background prepared Hale for her current role. As an undergraduate
student at Union University, Hale earned her bachelor degree in science. She
moved to University of Memphis to earn her Masters in Science Education and
attended Bethel University to add a second master’s degree in Educational
In addition to her
impressive pedigree in education, Hale is fortunate enough to work in a field
she truly enjoys. “I love what I do. I can see the powerful impact the teachers
have on students as well as the impact students have on teachers,” says Hale.
Her love of the profession leads to a love of leisurely activities as well.
Hale enjoys parasailing, time with her dog, and attending football games when
she is not conferencing with students, sharing ideas with teachers, or planning
with other administrators. Hale’s dedication to education in general and
Millington in particular makes her one of the most uplifting and dedicated
people to serve this community.