Physical Science
Week 6

September 12, 2017

3B- First day in Physical Science; intro to class; class expectations discussed; students completed a “Properties of Matter” foldable- listed Elements, Compounds & Mixtures; students defined all 15 words in Ch 17 (Pugh checked but work stayed with notes)

September 14, 2017

3B- BW Day 1

1. Define & give an example of a heterogeneous mixture.

2. What do you know about space exploration?

*Parent letters were passed out & expectations were discussed. Students should bring back the “Parent Signature” sheet  for a grade by Thursday, September 21st.

*Checked Ch 17 vocabulary.

*Students drew a T chart about Atoms; labeled left side “I know” and the right side “New to me”- students filled I chart as they came across items in Ch 17 they were familiar with and items they already knew.

Students were divided into 3 groups. Each group was assigned Section 1,2 OR 3 questions in Ch 17. Although it was group work, each student had to turn in individual work. Each group shared an assigned question and their answer at the end of class. 

Week 7

September 19, 2017

*Bellwork Day 2- identify and describe Pascal’s, Broyle’s & Charle’s gas laws, write the formula for each- we reviewed formulas and how to find Kelvin when given Celsius

*”Atoms” powerpoint

*discussed bringing a composition or spiral book for class on Thursday

*reminded students to bring class info sheet signed by parent/guardian

*visited lab & discussed safety

September 21, 2017
3B- Bellwork Day 3 using Set 3 (3 questions) was completed and reviewed. Parent signatures were due today and were taken up. Students color coded their periodic charts and glued element breakdown on the front. These items will be ready to place in Interactive Notebooks when they are brought in. Students reviewed and recorded the instructions for making an “Element License Plate” in their class notes. Students were able to brainstorm and will be expected to produce this license plate by end of class period on Monday.


September 25, 2017

3B - Bellwork Day 4 (Set 3- 2 questions w multiple parts); students brainstormed about “element license plates” then completed them in class on the template provided. Students began working on p 530 (endo f Ch 17) questions 1-18. Students need to write the problem AND underline the answer. Students were reminded to bring class information signature form (orange or pink) and a composition/spiral to keep in class.

September 27, 2017

3B –
Bellwork Day 5 & turned in; students continued working on page 530, 1-18 (writing the problem and underlining the answer). Students watched a short periodic table video & began a subatomic foldable that we will finish on Friday. REMINDER TO BRING IN SIGNATURE SHEETS AND COMPOSITION BOOKS.

September 29, 2017
 3B - Bellwork, Days 1 - 4 using SET 4; Day 5 using a subatomic particle question; set up I.N., put recent classwork in them. 


October 3, 2017

3B – I.N. turned in; page 530 #1-18 completed & turned in; watched Population Zero up to “7 days”

October 5, 2017

3B – p 531 concept map (2Q grade);  finished Population Zero movie

2 Quarter


October 16, 2017

3B – Bellwork- define, illustrate & explain isotopes; 3 periodic table worksheets (1 as a class, the other 2 in pairs)

October 18, 2017

3B – Bellwork Day 1 Set 5; students spent time on periodic worksheets; started vocabulary on Ch 19; watched a video comparing metals, metalloids & nonmetals while filling out a T chart for comparisons

October 20, 2017

3B - Bellwork Set 5 Day 2; Students worked on periodic worksheet packet, finishing Ch 19 vocabulary, and watched “Metals, Nonmetals & Metalloids” video to complete the comparison chart; Students watched Trojan TV (If available by that time); we went to computer lab 201 to work on Quizlet focusing on the periodic table and metals/nonmetals/metalloids


October 24, 2017

3B – Bw Set 5 Day 3; finish ch 19 vocabulary; periodic worksheets; students worked in I.N.- glued in 2Q rubrics metals/nonmetals/metalloids chart; started metals packet; everyone got 1 question off study guide to look up. Students will consolidate answers on Thursday. Ch 17 & 19 test is moved to Monday.

October 26, 2017

3B – BW Set 5, Day 4; metals packet, consolidated study guide questions and reviewed for test on MONDAY


October 30, 2017
3B- BW Set 6 Day 1 TURN IN; Ch 17 & 19 review; students took test

November 1, 2017

3B - BW Set 6, Day 1 (new sheet); students corrected missed test questions for half credit & started on Ch 20 vocabulary

November 3, 2017

3B - BW Set 6, Day 2; introduced bonding and went over ionic & covalent bonding; students need to complete Ch 20 vocabulary


November 7, 2017

3B – BW set 6 Day 3; students need to have Ch 20 vocab finished; reviewed ionic & covalent bonds, watched video on the comparison of the two bonds; completed ionic/covalent worksheet; QUIZ

November 9, 2017

Sub today- BW Day 4, set 6; ionic and covalent worksheets


November 13, 2017
3B – BW was skipped today; students reviewed worksheets for ionic and covalent bonds, I did several examples on the board again, started IONIC bond sheet, watched to videos for bonding

November 15, 2017

3B- no bellwork this week due to shortened class schedule; students worked on study sheets for quiz; p 626 #1-18 (write question & underline answer), #19 in I.N., look over examples of bonds on worksheets, start on vocab Ch 21

November 17, 2017

3B - NO bellwork this week due to shortened class schedule; students studied for quiz, took quiz, completed missing/incomplete work, Ch 21 vocabulary


NOVEMBER 21, 2017

3B - NO bellwork this week due to shortened class schedule; balancing equations worksheets, completed Ch 21 vocabulary


November 28, 2017

1B, 2B, 4B - Bellwork Days 1-3, Set 7; plotted previous test scores, began mitosis discussion

3B – Bellwork Days 1-3, Set 8; balanced equations & passed out syllabus

November 30, 2017

3B- Bellwork Days 4-5, Set 7, TURN IN; Balancing Equations review as a class; Balancing equations Quiz


December 4, 2017

3B- Bellwork Set 8, Day 2; #5 on Balancing Eq Quiz, reviewed quiz, took Balancing equations quiz #2


January 5th
3B - WELCOME BACK!! BW Set 9 Day 1 (3 questions); Ch 2 in text- define words in section 1 & list the equations for speed and acceleration at the bottom; Lesson 22 in workbook- underline KEY WORDS, answer ques 1-4 and work on discussion question with a partner

January 9th

3B- BW Set 9 Day 2; insert new rubric & TOC in I.N.; Lesson 23 in wkbk; newtons laws of motion sketch pages (Newton’s laws of Motion, Newton’s 1st law of inertia); review of acceleration & speed; quiz Thursday

January 11th

3B- BW Set 9 Day 3; velocity & acceleration ppt- students took notes; reviewed practice problems for quiz; students completed ques 11-15 of quiz & will complete on the next B day of school. 

JANUARY 12-18TH- SNOW DAYS January 19th 2 hour delay

January 22nd
3B- BW Set 9 Write “snow day” on Day 4 & 5 then TURN IN; New BW sheet for Set 10- write “snow day” on Day 1; review practice problems & vocab for Ch 2; pass back quiz and complete; review and complete Newton’s sketch notes

January 24th

3B- BW Set 10 Day 2 (ques #1); SUB led students through completing all worksheets related to Newton’s laws- examples, definitions, real world scenarios; Newton’s Laws quiz at end of class

January 26th

3B- BW Set 10 Day 3 (ques #2); quiz corrections from speed/acceleration for half credit back; caught up on ALL Newton’s Law sketch notes; Lesson 23-25 in workbook

January 30th

3B- BW Set 10 Day 4; Ch 2 packet (sub today)

February 1st

3B- BW Set 10 Day 5- TURN IN; lab for Newton’s 3rd law

February 5th

3B - BW Set 11 Day 1; computer lab- 2 assignments given to be completed by 2/9; assignments are labeled “2/5/2018” & “2/5/2018 #2”

February 7th
3B- BW Set 11 day 2; Ch 3 vocabulary; started group rotations; reminded of quiz on Friday

February 9th

3B-  BW Set 11 Day 3; 25 min to complete Ch 3 list of quiz items started at the previous class; reviewed for quiz; CH 3 quiz; chance to work on a few USA test prep assignments with left over time

February 13th

BW Set 11 Day 4; Ch 4 vocabulary (8 words); started Lesson 27; students unable to answer any questions at the end; students were given a bright orange sheet of paper to copy the problem down on and had ONE problem for homework- show their work/explanation; put in groups of 3 to 4 people, digressed to Ch 2 and made flashcards for EACH equation from Ch 2-Ch 4; students had the opportunity to take a book home if they did not finish;  BONUS question given: What does professional bullriding have to do with physical science????; QUIZ on equations Thursday- students will be able to use their flashcards

February 15th

3B- BW Set 11 Day 5- TURNED IN; 5 minutes to look over flash cards; handed out CH 2-4 equation quiz; Lesson 27 continued while I handed back papers; I.N.- Identify a baseball batter & a person in a swing- illustrate & explain potential & kinetic energy at certain points during the process of each action. 

February 21st
3B- BW set 12 Day 1; ; I.N.- Identify a baseball batter & a person in a swing- illustrate & explain potential & kinetic energy at certain points during the process of each action. watched figure skater video- centripetal force; homework- how many pounds of pressure does a figure skater land on when landing a triple lutz?

February 23rd

3B- BW Set 12 Day 2; USA Test prep- makeup unfinished assignments; 3 new assignments (Practice, Crossword & 10 questions); Trojan TV

February 27th- March 2nd

3B- completed a study guide for Ch 2-4; earned points by playing a game & took the test for Ch 2-4

March 5th

3B- Energy crossword; Work definitions (section 1 & 2); work ppt notes

March 6th

3A started the “Structure & function of DNA”

March 7th

3B- WORK chapter flashcards & element posters; started Gifted Hands the last 45 minutes

March 26th
3B- BW Set 13 Day 3; USA TP 4Q #1 19 assignments

March 28th